Purpose (1) assumption of duty at respective diplomatic representation in Thailand (category "D"), or (2) a temporary entry into Thailand to perform diplomatic, consular, or official duties (category "F")
Validity single entry or multiple entries for 3 or 6 months
Period of Stay Not exceeding 90 days
Fee No visa processing fee
Posted in Thailand (1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization specifying posting details
On diplomatic mission(1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization or invitation letter
Non Posting UN mission (1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization or invitation letter
Official Visa (F)
Purpose A temporary entry into Thailand to perform official duties
Validity Single entry or multiple entries for 3 or 6 months
Period of Stay Not exceeding 90 days
Fee No visa processing fee
Requirements (1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization or invitation letter
Courtesy Visa (CY)
Purpose (1) Other purposes apart from diplomatic or official duties for the holders of diplomatic or official passport, or a UN passport equivalent to a diplomatic or official passport, or (2) Holders of ordinary passport or travel document who enter Thailand as a royal visitor, guest of government or government agency
Validity 30 days with single entry or 90 days with multiple entries
Period of Stay Not exceeding 90 days
Fee No visa processing fee
Invited by the Royal Thai Government (1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization or invitation letter
Other purposes (1) Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document (2) Photograph taken within the last six months (3) Document indicating current location (4) Note verbale from sending State and international organization or invitation letter